About Us
Recycling for a Better World,
One Step at a
  • Environmental Responsibility- Green Mile Recycling may prioritize environmentally sustainable practices, which align with your values and commitment to reducing your carbon footprint.
  • Zero Waste Goals-If Green Mile Recycling is focused on achieving zero waste to landfill, it demonstrates a strong commitment to minimizing environmental impact and reducing landfill waste.
  • Recycling Expertise-They may have expertise in recycling a wide range of materials, which can be important for individuals or businesses looking to dispose of various waste types responsibly.
  • Compliance with Regulations-The company may adhere to local and national waste disposal regulations, ensuring that waste is managed legally and safely.
  • Convenience-Convenience factors like location, pick-up schedules, and ease of use may make Green Mile Recycling a practical choice for your waste management needs.
  • Innovative Technologies-If they employ innovative technologies for waste sorting, recycling, or waste-to-energy conversion, it may indicate a commitment to efficiency and sustainability.
  • Community Engagement-If Green Mile Recycling engages with the local community through educational programs or outreach, it might signal a commitment to raising awareness about responsible waste management.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions-Competitive pricing or cost-effective waste management solutions may be a significant factor in your decision.
  • Customer Service-Friendly and responsive customer service can make the waste management process smoother and more pleasant.
  • Reputation-Positive reviews, recommendations, and a good reputation within the industry can instill confidence in their services.

Before choosing Green Mile Recycling or any waste management service, it's a good idea to research their specific offerings, pricing, and reputation to ensure they align with your waste disposal and sustainability goals.

You may also want to contact them directly to discuss your needs and get any questions answered.


Contact Info

PO.Box - 452125,
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 1,Dubai, UAE


+9714 235 9951 / +971 50 3 235 408