We Save The

Saving the environment is crucial for the well-being of our planet and future generations. There are many ways individuals and communities can contribute to environmental conservation.

Ewaste Recycling

E-waste refers to any electronic devices that have reached the end of life. Unfortunately, many of the items that are labeled as “e-waste” are in fact not, there are so many old devices around the corner that are no longer wanted but still they are working or ( suitable for repair) can be donated, reused, or refurbished.

E-waste nowadays are the fastest growing waste stream that is produced annually around the world with only around %25 being recycled. And if every human is unaware on how to dispose e-waste properly, the 75 percent of this e-waste turns into a toxic waste stream that ends up in landfills which a t the end bring risks to human health and the environment.

The good thing about Dubai is not only provides cheapest gadgets to its citizens but also they promote a campaign on sustainability by recycling of unwanted or old e-waste. The most common way to recycle your electronic waste is to connect with GMR which has Environmental Clearance and with approval from Dubai Municipality. Choosing a certified electronic recycler like GMR will assured you that these toxic materials from your e-waste, will never reach landfills.


The e-waste we collect from different customers or users will be securely segregated and separated into materials such as plastic, metal, glass, mother board, cable, etc.

GMR currently has the ability to recycle %100 of all of the electronic materials that come through its facility.


  • To reduces the carbon footprint of the country or reducing the environmental impact
  • To helps conserve natural resources or minimizing hazardous materials in the environment
  • To saves energy or generally increasing the sustainability of the production of new electronics.

The most common types of e-waste

  • vacuum cleaners
  • microwaves
  • ventilation equipment
  • toasters
  • electric kettles
  • electric shavers
  • nscales

  • calculators
  • radio sets
  • video cameras
  • electrical and electronic toys
  • small electrical and electronic tools
  • small medical devices
  • small monitoring and control instruments

Large Equipment

  • washing machines
  • clothes dryers
  • dish-washing machines
  • toasters
  • electric stoves

  • large printing machines
  • copy equipment
  • solar panels

Temperature Exchange Equipment

  • refrigerators
  • freezers
  • air conditioners
  • heat pumps

the importance of recycling your e-waste on large scale cannot be underestimated. Unless we improve our management systems, and if we will not participate on this campaign, soon we will be surrounded by broken electronics.

What are you waiting for, gives GMR a call and get a schedule with them for the collection of your ewaste on your area.

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